1. Sixty hours of approved credit from an accredited college or university, preferably with a concentration in education OR
  2. Successfully pass the ParaProfessional Assessment OR
  3. Have a valid Missouri Substitute Certificate.

REPORTS TO:           

Building Principal and Director of Special Education


JOB GOAL:               

To provide a well-organized, smoothly-functioning class environment in which students can take full advantage of the instructional program and available resource materials.



  1. Work with small groups of students to reinforce materials initially introduced by the teacher.
  2. Assist teacher in setting up and putting away materials to be used by teacher in instruction.
  3. Assist individual children in need of special attention.
  4. Perform clerical duties for teacher.
  5. 5Guide independent study, enrichment work and remedial work of specially-assigned work set up by the teacher.
  6. Assist teacher with noninstructional classroom duties.
  7. Performs other duties as deemed necessary by the Principal.


Salary and work year established by the Board of Education.



Performance on this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board’s policy on Evaluation of Support Personnel.